So much gold in one thread - thank you, every one of you!
@punkofnice This whole experience of bouncing ideas around with you guys has been beyond cathartic during this time. I feel satisfied enough just reading through your rational replies and coming up with my own hypothetical responses. The dame who emailed me may no longer be getting an actual reply from me.
I love what @StephaneLaliberte did. It really holds a mirror up to Sister Blind Faith's cult speak and forces her to read her own fallacious demands without the WT weasel words watering them down. I kind of wouldn't mind just responding to her email saying:
"Hey! I'm so glad I've got this down in writing now. I've printed your email out to take along to all my Return Visits and interested friends I've been preaching to. Could you believe that this whole time I've been telling them that as Jehovah's Witnesses, we 'welcome ALL questions and are always happy to answer queries about our beliefs. One thing you'll love about Jehovah's Witnesses is that we ALWAYS accept questions, unlike other religions where knowledge is usually restricted to the Priests/Pope or higher-ups'? ...I guess I was giving them misleading information - kind of like a bait-and-switch sales pitch, eh? I feel so bad, but at least now I can honestly set them straight. With your email, I'm able to show them that asking questions about our religion is the gateway to sinning against the Holy Spirit, for which destruction at Armageddon awaits. Our Governing Body is not inspired but somehow, they manage to possess greater knowledge about God and the Bible than any of us mere mortals! It's important you don't question their doctrine because God could kill you at Armageddon.' That ought to shut those interested people up and help them see it's the Truth! :) Thanks for the advice!"
@sparrowdown wrote this in a more recent thead, so I have to include it because it was just so well put: 'I find indifference to their beliefs and their culty social games really gets to them. They really have no idea what to do with indifference. As I said they need a reaction any reaction so they can interpret it and label you as either "guilty" or "bitter" or "pathetic loser" or "weak and ashamed" etc etc. If they are met with smiling indifference to their religious beliefs combined with calm assertiveness ie giving them nothing they can "read" it's like they become genuinely intrigued with why you are immune to their guilt-inducing superpowers. Maybe even intrigued long enough for a little seed of curiosity to sprout in their mind.'
By the way, my son pulled through his operation - we are back from hospital now :). Thank you for the well wishes. xxx